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Intermediate Evaluation - results

70 Students, 55 parents and 26 teachers from each partner country took part in intermediate evaluation. All of them have answered a few questions measuring the achievement of project goals. We have analysed the surveys and presented the results:


The research carried out among students investigated educational and social outcomes of the “Unity in Diversity” project in the following fields - students’ English language competences and ICT skills, national and international teamwork proficiency and other cultures awareness, as well as all the above mentioned factors on their personal development and school environment.

All students assessed their English speaking skills satisfactory and quite satisfactory -  altogether 72% of the students rated them as good and very good (4 and 5) on a five-point scale (where 1 is very bad and 5 is very good) and 28% of students evaluated them as sufficient (3). Also the majority of students (60%) are not afraid of speaking English anymore and another 36% feel just a little bit uncomfortable while only 6% of them haven’t benefited in this area and are still anxious and timid about using the language. However, irrespective of this unsatisfactory figure, all 100% students taking part in the project have boosted their motivation to learn foreign languages, making the organizers hopeful about the future communicative skills even of those apprehensive ones.

As for the ICT skills, 92% of the students declare improvement of their know-how and experience in using information and communication tools. Even more students, 98%, claim improvement of their ability to work in a team and almost 96% of the students state gaining knowledge of the cultures of the other countries taking part in the project. And finally, what is even more rewarding, the absolute majority of the students can feel the projects’ impact on their school environment, claiming that it has brought a change in their school life.



The survey conducted among the teachers proved that the project has been extremely successful, effective and beneficial for this group of participants and thus their work environments. All 26 involved teachers have improved their ability to work in a group as well as their knowledge of ICT tools. Also all of them claim that the project has brought the change in their school life as well as each one of them declares to have improved their knowledge of other cultures taking part in the project significantly. 


The great majority of surveyed parents take notice of the project's positive impact on their child’s language learning attitude - 96% of the parents acknowledge the improvement of their child’s motivation to learn foreign languages and 94% of the parents confirm their child’s communication skills growth. As for the parents’ awareness and general knowledge of the partner countries’ cultures, Erasmus+ Programme and their capacity to accept other societies and their values, the survey’s outcome is quite satisfying - altogether 92% of the interviewed parents claim that as a result of taking part in the “Unity in Diversity” project they know more about cooperating countries (Poland, Turkey, Greece and Romania) while only 8% of them haven’t benefited in this area; 74% of the parents state improvement of their knowledge of the Erasmus+ Programme itself and altogether 98% of the parents consider themselves to have become more tolerant. 

The results of the research in this target group (feedback from the parents) prove the project’s overall success in terms of meeting the initial expectations and objectives and making it rewarding for the organizers.






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